
Check our Pricing

Company Registration

  • Starts from
  • *GST and Govt. fees extra
  • DIN and DSC for two Directors,
  • Name Approval Certificate,
  • Drafting of MoA&AoA,
  • Registration fees and stamp duty,
  • Company Incorporation Certificate,
  • Zero balance current account,

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GST Registration

  • Starts from
  • *Applicable taxes and charges extra
  • Get GST registration done for your business easily run trough Scanwe Solutions. Our experts will walk you through the entire process and file for you. We ensure you get your GSTIN at the earliest.

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Legal & Advisory Services

  • Starts from
  • *Price depends on the scope of the project
  • Whether you are an individual or a corporation, our legal consultancy services provide the guidance you need to navigate legal complexities with confidence.

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Software Development

  • Starts from
  • *Price depends on the scope of the project
  • we specialize in providing end-to-end software development services, ranging from conceptualization and design to development, testing, and deployment

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