Who We Are

We consult on six areas of a business covering people, processes, product/service, marketing, sales, and finance.

As part of strategy implementation, we equip the management through executive coaching and upskill employees through corporate training. We believe, adding the right amount of these three tools into your business will shoot the growth hacking speed and create sustainable and organic growth.

Our Values

Helping fast moving innovators scale with purpose.

Build together

Being a business consultancy, we don't want to commit to any business that will create magical growth by sitting outside of your business. We ensure that your management level team is equipped to execute the designed strategies by believing the ‘build together’ concept.


Being a business consulting company, we believe delivering the strategy report/presentation to a company is just like delivering half-cooked food. The game-changer is the operational execution of those strategies and that is why we are very keen on implementing them along with the management. Yes, we are ‘ result-focused ’.


From the findings of in-depth research done by our team, we were shocked to know that 87.5% of businesses here today are not data-driven. Hence, one of our core values and focus is on creating data pipelines in the businesses we associate with. So that nothing is a ‘feeling’ based decision but it will become a ‘ data-driven ’ strategy.